Sunday, December 31, 2006

art room

The art room is nearly done- Dh and I just completed our frottage painting technique. I figured out a system for cutting paint drop cloths- the plastic ones, and cut about 20 some of them. It was a little tricky in some places to get the painting to look seamless, so some areas of the wall look more modular. I am going to call it a design feature. For those of you who have done our own faux painting or watched Trading Spaces you know that an empty room really shows off a painting technique. Once you get your stuff, and furniture back in the room it all starts to flow better, and you don't notice one particular "design feature" as much as you did while in the painting moment.

Tomorrow Dh will finish setting up my "flying saucer" lights, and I will finish the blue sky painting on the big vent thing in the room, then it will be time to sweep, and move things in. I am really looking forward to that time!

this is what we are up to...

click here. One of our readers found some unsavory info upon googling the painting technique so I thought it would be helpful to show a link.

more on the paint technique, frottage

To do this we first primed the walls, then painted on a base coat of radiant orange. I had picked this color rather impulsively while Menard's was having its paper bag sale. That's the one where you get a bag and fill it with things and get a certain percentage off all the items. I had begun questioning the logic of this decision- what kind of color is radiant orange? Is is like the construction sign orange or like a real orange? When I began painting it I was pleased to see that while bright it looked more mango-y than anything. I really liked it.

Today we will begin the next step of mixing the glaze with the topcoat, sunnyside. A yellow color. We will paint on the glaze/paint mix, then immediately cover it with plastic sheeting like drop cloths until the whole wall is covered this way. Here is where the rubbing comes in, Kelly, we will rub, or smooth out the plastic with our hands while it is on the walls. When the wall is covered in plastic we will pull the plastic drop cloths from the walls, and have our big reveal moment- and see how the paint turned out.

Pics later- after we do all this.

For knitting- I have been working on my blue sweater once again. I did the armhole decreases for the cardigan fronts late last night. Only 8 more inches on both pieces and the fronts will be done.

We primed the basement the other day.

Here it is, ready for the next technique- frottage. To be continued.

A cloud I painted

A cloud I painted
Originally uploaded by CorgiMom.
This is a snippet of my new cloud ceiling for my art room. I am very
pleased with how it turned out. I mixed 3 parts of glaze to one part of
bright white satin paint, and used a rag, a sea sponge, and another
normal sponge to get this effect.

The ceiling

The ceiling
Originally uploaded by CorgiMom.
I painted the whole ceiling myself using just a paint brush. First I
mixed my own sky blue colorway- using three different paints we already
had. The kitchen aqua blue, another medium blue, and white all together
till I got what I wanted. I was concerned I wouldn't have enough so I
brushed the whole ceiling to conserve on paint. It worked, and helped
set the stage for the cloud technique that I used later.

The paint and glaze choices for using the faux finish technique I selected for my art room walls

I am still deciding which one I prefer, but I am leaning towards the
one on the left which uses a base coat of orange, and a glaze color of
[This was supposed to be posted yesterday but never went through. She decided on the left - DH]

The hat!!!

The hat!!!
Originally uploaded by CorgiMom.
I did it! Finally~

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Go to the other blog that I share with DH. We went to Zelo for lunch, and it was magnificent. You can get to the other blog via the sidebar

It is hard to have two blogs, because sometimes I post to the wrong one, like when I forget to check which blog I am posting from, I send it to the wrong one. That is why the title to this is so long. For some absurd reason I have not found a way to copy and paste text to my blogging field, only to the link field or the title bar. So that is why this one is the way it is.

In the knitting kingdom- The kangaroos are making WAY more knitting progress than I have been. I think I will set a knitting goal to complete the birthday/Christmas socks for Elzbieta, and DH's hat before January 2nd. Can I do it? Wait and see.

The mama kangaroo is still knitting!

I am a devout fan of It is my go-to place for everything. When I went to the site this morning I was surprised to see that it had changed. I thought that two kangaroos were knitting yesterday- but today there was only one. I wanted to check out my suspicions, and looked and looked on the site, and found all the holiday google doodles, and more when I clicked on "logos."

Dh and I took the dogs out for a walk and I came back, and clicked on the google doodle as they call it, and found the sequence of the holiday kangaroos. You can see them all here.

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays on this sunny Christmas eve day.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Knitting Kangaroos

You've all heard that corgis can knit, but what about knitting kangaroos? Check them out here.

Friday, December 22, 2006

a little knitting teaching, spa time, and visual OCD

Today I had a rare chance in the middle of my day to teach a coworker how to knit. She was really determined, yet not sure if she could handle the commitment to a project. We worked on the slingshot long-tail cast-on first with the Blizzard alpaca acrylic yarn, but it was too loosely spun. Then we tried out an Encore-type yarn. My co-worker wanted a yarn that was "harder" that wouldn't un-spin itself or split on itself. She really meant more tightly spun, and we found such a yarn. She left the store with lovely wooden needles, a ball of the Encore-type yarn in a earthy tan, and a knitting magazine- for its learn to knit instructions. How fun it was to try to share my knitting passion!

I don't think I knit more than those introductory cast-on stitches, and perhaps 2 practice demo rows of knitting on the tan yarn. But it was gratifying.

I came up with a way to remember the sling-shot way to hold your hands, you just use your left hand to make an 'L" like in the pop culture slang, "loser" or the preschooler's way to tell left from right when learning directions. Then, the idea of holding the right hand needle pulled towards oneself to see the "x" and the triangle. It seemed to work pretty well. I will have to check up on my coworker friend and see how it's going. The super cool thing is that of our 7 person team (including myself) two people has been knitting for a few weeks, one has been knitting for a few years, like myself, one learned to crochet last year, one began learning how to knit today, and the other really wants to learn how to knit. How sweet is that!

Tomorrow is my birthday- and I am going to the spa instead of working. I am especially looking forward to the visit with great hope, as my last two most recent massages weren't relaxing experiences.

DH and I got our hair cut tonight, just in time for my birthday. I originally had scheduled him for an 8pm appt. at the same time as mine, but he reminded me of having worship practice in the evening. So I called the salon, and set up a 5pm instead. When we got there my hair stylist asked me if I wanted to get my hair cut then instead of at 8- which worked perfectly. So now I have new hair again, just in time. I really enjoy having good hair on my birthday, and I also appreciate it when DH has good hair for all special occasions too.

Because of my being who I am, I decided that I must have some sort of visual OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for those who don't speak psych lingo. I am very aware of aesthetics, and because of that I want my environment to be a certain way, and my surroundings to be visually stimulating. When I knit I want my project done right, with the stitches just as they are supposed to be, or even better if I know tricks to make them such.

In my rooms I carefully select all the paint colors I use in our house, and revel in crawling into a tightly made cozy bed, without wrinkled blankets and sheets. Contrary to my visual obsession there are plenty of messy but not dirty, places in our home. At my worst these areas make me stressed, at my best they make me feel human.

I am getting ready for my art room, and the fulfillment of that goal and dream. This completion is right around the corner. I hope to have further updates of progress on this special little place as the next week passes.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a special treat

I subscribe to a sock knit along group and it was in one of the e-mails that I came across this great link. It was referenced for the video tutorial on knitting 2 socks at the same time on circulars, but I got distracted and decided to check out a different video instead. I watched the blocking video. I enjoyed the video podcast and hope you will too.

So here it is.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

just a few rows

That's all I did. Now I have to do some paperwork that is due tomorrow. For a few seconds I thought about continuing knitting tonight and waking up really early to do my paperwork- but I know myself. I would not be able to wake up that early after working as hard as I have been working these past two days. It just would not happen.

But I do want to keep knitting on some socks. Now that I have them figured out the second sock is going much faster than the first. I just need to make sure to duplicate the former sock's order of ribbing.

Tomorrow- I will have some knitting time at SnB- just a little then, but more later in the afternoon if my energy doesn't crash. Then- thursday, and a pre-birthday dinner at Big Bowl with family, and Friday- spa day- and my birthday. Hooray!

Monday, December 18, 2006

New yummy yarn

New yummy yarn
Originally uploaded by CorgiMom.
DH gave me an early Christmas present- yummyliscious yarn as mentioned by Lime and Violet on their uberpopular podcast Lime n' Violet.

This yarn is superwash merino, hand-dyed sock yarn, colors selected on
the basis of the new Over the Rhine Christmas album, "Snow Angels." The yarn colorway is thus is "Snow Angels." The yarn is purchased via Etsy, like an Ebay for arts and crafts and fabulous things minus the auction.

"Adam knits & dyes" is credited for developing this supersoft sock yarn.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas letters and sock teaching

Today was another, typical, holiday busy day. Church in the morning, celebrated my parents' 35th anniversary with a nice lunch out, knitting with Leslie, friends (Beth and James) over for work on my art room (nearly ready for me to prime the walls!), dinner with them here- pasta with shrimp and leftover pomegranate salad, with chocolate mousse for dessert, then more work on my paperwork and billing.

Plus work on a sock. A semi-secret sock. But it is not really secret. My friend Leslie was knitting her first sock and I was able to bestow a great amount of sock knitting knowledge on her, and talk her through the heel flap, turn heel (my favorite part) and picking up the instep stitches. She was knitting a sock out of really soft yarn- I think it was by the Araucania brand, Atacama. I think it was color # 805, I believe on size 6 (I'm guessing here) needles. I was a bit jealous because the thicker than sock weight yarn looked tantalizing and speedy to knit with as compared with my yarn and smaller sock needles.

This evening DH was addressing Christmas letter envelopes while I knit on my break from paperwork. What a good helper he is!

knitting and pomegranates, and animal safety

I really like knitting, and I really like pomegranates.

Last week I had a pomegranate mojito; tonight I had a pomegranate salad with smoked turkey, and bacon.

I knit just a few rows today, while re-watching most of the most recent episode of "The Office." That show is so funny- even when I would ordinarily get upset over the idea of a dead goose being in their office, and then eating it, somehow it is still funny to me.

I must state a different animal related thing that was upsetting to me- from the movie "Happy Feet. " There is a part in the movie where one of the penguins has a six pack plastic ring around his neck. Part of the plot involves this "talisman", but I am a strong advocate of environmentalism, and I always try to cut those things into several pieces so if they were to get around animals at any point in time no animals would have to die or be seriously compromised as a result of my irresponsibility if they were to get one stuck on their body.

So this scene in the movie made me want to yell, "Other penguins! Use your sharp little beaks to gnaw that horrible thing off that suffering penguin guy! " (so I can continue watching the movie in good faith that the animated penguin was not seriously harmed in the making of the movie).

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas shopping

We had an office Christmas party- and I was sitting next to a friend who noticed that I was noticing- and commenting on all the knitted items. Things like a Bath and Body Works gift set that was in a little ivory colored machine knit bag. There was a bear wearing a machine knit sweater given as a gift. Also, the person next to me had a really cool felted purse, that she had received as a gift during a previous Christmas. Knitting is all around us, and suprising how often it shows up in daily life.

I was in Kohl's tonight and there was an off the shoulder shirt with a large collar that looked like it was knit out of an all black version of Colinette's Tagliatelli, their merino tape yarn. Life through a knitter's eyes is a different way to look at the world.

Friday, December 15, 2006

A new look- customized

I did a little knitting on DH's hat today. But I got tired. Somehow I found time to redesign my blog with the new version of Blogger. I don't think it is quite where I want it to do yet- colorwise, but I have a somewhat limited palette of colors for selecting.

I am really tired as the whole week has caught up with me. I told DH I wanted to keep knitting on his hat ot make progress on it, but I was too tired. Maybe some other time.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Today I bought two pairs of boots- both on sale for 60% off. I bought one pair at lunch time, and the other in the late evening. I finally found some tall black boots that fit comfortably. I am keeping the second pair because they are the best of the two.

Today was SnB- which is why I was staying up so late last night, trying to get my gift together. Had I known I was going to receive my own gift in the end I would have gone to bed way earlier, to join DH.

Last night I felted a needle cozy from the Cat Bordhi book that I got from my in-laws thanks again!!! I started by felting it in the washing machine on the hot setting, and it was a slow practice. It was nearly agonizing to watch the washing machine keep filling with water for such a small thing. Eventually it was the rinse cycle, then the end, and it was hardly felted. I was tring to felt some of the Araucania Nature Wool (that wouldn't wind nicely on the swift) and Karaoke soy yarn. I finally acheived progress when I began vigourously scrubbing the needle cozy against the washboard like portion of our old sink. That was pretty cool to watch, as I alternated between getting it hot with steamy water and then changing things by giving it cold water. It was far more effective than my short little washing maching stint.

When that was done I moved on to the second part of my gift, googling and creating beaded stitch markers. I didn't have the toggle clasps that were mentioned on the net instructions so I improvised with bent hook, like fish hook, earrings. I used DH's needle nose pliers, and went on a hunt for his other pliers, and began creating.

But my beading creations never happen fast. The process goes this way- I get out all my beads, look at them, feel like there is a lot of them, then set out to design the item. It never goes smoothly. I find myself wishing the bead store was open so I could find whatever I need, but it is too late at night.

First I didn't want to use a few certain beads as I'd bought them specifically with another project in mind. Then after trying all the other options I changed my mind and decided to use them anyway. So then I began and ended up making 6 stitch markers. By the fourth or fifth marker I was getting really good at twisting the headpin wire top around nicely to make a smooth twist. Then, I had another wave of inspiration hit. I'll make a bracelet out of memory wire that can hold the stitch markers so one can "wear" their stitch markers while knitting and just take them off the bracelet as they are needed. Cool! I found myself thinking I am going to have to make one of these for myself sometime.

The first gift I unwrapped at the SnB gift exchange was a needle felting kit. I laughed- I already have two needle felting kits. And at this point in time I actually know where they both are. They are in a pile awaiting their proper place in my art room- which will get finished someday- I am told. The reason why I had two needle felting kits was because I had misplaced the first one I purchased, at the first Sheep and Wool festival I ever attended. By the time next year the S&W Festival returned I had no clue where the first kit was, so I bought another.

I traded for the in-demand pre-measured to dye in the self-striping way sock yarn. But another person "stole" it from me, rightly so, as I had stolen it from another person beforehand. Then, I had to decide if I would steal from another person, or unwrap the last gift. I chose the last gift- it was another needle felting kit!!! Wow. Fortunately Kelle wanted to try out needle felting, so I traded with her, for the gift that I had traded my sleep for. If only I'd known. Next time I'll just sleep. I had given it serious consideration- and almost went to the gift exchange giftless- and just watched the others.

In the other predominant arena of my life is a stressful family related crisis. I don't desire to post much about this in regards to details, only that it is making my Christmas feeling like a sadder time than ever before. I have never felt sad at Christmas, though I have heard of others having crappy holidays. For me Christmas has always been a time of fun, good feelings, treats, and cozy enjoyment. All is well with DH and I- don't worry about that, but other things could definitely be better.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

up to trouble

Tomorrow is the gift swap at my SnB. I am up to trouble on its behalf. Pics tomorrow. I am busy finishing up on some things.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Lots of work- no knitting today

I did manage to untangle the rest of the yarn from DH's hat, so now it is closer to restored back to what it was before the dogs. I think I will have to unknit a few rows as there were some rows pulled off the needles by the dogs.

I went to Three Kittens Needle Arts, and forgot the true purpose for why I was there. Sorry girls, I will try again. I must have been too hungry for my brain to work right. I did look for yarn for the thrummed mittens, and did not find any.

Tomorrow will be a late and long day of work. I am tired already from thinking about it. Good night!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Super Sunday

So far, the night has not ended yet, but I did a little knitting while in the car driving to church. I was passenging- don't worry- not driving while I knit.

We visited a new, groovy church today. It is in Minneapolis, called the Spirit Garage. This is definitely the church for people who want something new, something edgy and creative all at once in a friendly and welcoming package. I am trying to figure out how to visit it more often as it had rockin' music, that felt like great alternative music stuff with really talented musicians. Very Uptown.

After that my other Beth friend (I have 3 now) and I went to check out the Midtown Global Market. She had expressed interest in visiting, and I said I'd go with her, but I was quite surprised when we just decided post-church to just do it. It was great. I bought a pretty and big colorful bag, fix-ins for guacaomole, mochi, and lunch at the Sirena Gorda (the fat mermaid). Lunch was mahi-mahi tacos on the tastiest hard corn taco shells I'd ever had. The special included hisbiscus iced tea, so I tried that too. It's not bad, but it's not my favorite.

In the afternoon DH and I (thanks so much DH for all your cookie-making help!!!) made 16 or 17 dozens worth of Sue's Swedish Ginger Cookies. They are fantabulous with their crunchy little Swedish pearl sugar on them. While they baked I worked on and completed our Christmas letter. I also snuck a few tasty cookies.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Run Around saturday

What a busy day- with all sorts of activities. This morning I had an earlyish chiro appt., then DH and I did some shopping and returned some items to various stores. We visited two major malls in the process, along with many shops nearby and including Turtle Bread Co. and Needlework Unlimited. I went to the yarn store in search of the perfect Cascade Quattro colors to to go with my multi-colored roving to knit myself a pair of thrummed mittens. I did not find the perfect color there. I did find this awesome set of sock needles- that I have been eyeing on the internet. The thing was that at the store they cost a lot more than on the 'net. I pondered if I should buy them or not, and then declined.

I did just a little knitting today. I made it to the chest increases and completed all three of them, and will be knitting up to the armholes soon. I am amazed how fast it goes when I am knitting both pieces at once, even with a size 6 needles (which I would consider kind of small for sweater knitting).

Today was also my Mom's birthday. Happy birthday Mom! She and her DH went to Lorie Line at the Orpheum, with her sister and brother-in-law, then we all met up with them for dinner at M & S Grill. Yummo. We had a delicious meal- great appetizers- seared ahi tuna, and phyllo dough wrapped brie with caramelized onions and dried cherries. I had a Pom Pom Mojito. Yes- a pomegranate mojito. Talk about a cool drink. I only drink the fruity "frou frou girlie" drinks- 'cause they are the best. And this one was quite good.

DH had top sirloin, and I had Blue Crab, Brie, and something else I forgot stuffed salmon. We all shared one creme brulee at the end. Delish for sure. You picked a winner of a birthday dinner place Mom.

Also back to the blue sweater, I am almost committing to getting it done by December 22nd- my birthday. I am just not so sure how realistic that goal is, but I think I am going to try for it.

Along those lines I must share a "Three Minute Meditation" that I read while at the chiropractor's office today. It was about the Zen-ness of "not knowing." The goal was to cultivate a feeling of not knowing, not knowing the outcome of one thing or another be it hugely related to your life path, or something more minimally impacting. So I will try to embody that in being fine, content, at peace, with not knowing if I will get my sweater done by my birthday- or not. We will see.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Workshop day

I went to a really great workshop today about how to start your own business. It provided me with a full brain, lots of ideas, and way too much knitting time. Seriously, I have been knitting both of my cardigan fronts at the same time, so they get done at the same gauge, and so I can do two at a time. I made a serious amount of progress on them. I must have knit 30 some rows on each piece- about 60 plus rows. I went from the bottom of them, about 3 inches up from the bottom past my waist shaping, and to the chest increase stitches, and did the first of 3 increases there. Sweet.

I didn't knit on the other projects though- just my cardigan fronts. And now it is Friday night and we are about to hang out with some friends and I am T-I-R-E-D. I didn't get to sleep on time last night- and got less sleep than I need. Plus, on Friday the busyness of the week catches up with me.

Long Day

Today was my long day. No knitting. Very sad. Tomorrow, DH and I are attending a workship together, and I plan on knitting there.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

SnB and Chiropractor

DH has been going to the Chiropractor for awhile now, and I had tried one once in the past spring. It was too weird for me. The guy tried to test some food allergies by my holding a vial, and all sorts of other strange things.

But today I tried again. I went where DH goes, and where a co-worker of his goes whom I trust. This time was not so scary. What was scary was the diagnostic read-out or the muscle tension in my body. So I am looking forward to that diminishing.

Kelle asked if this trip was better than the last massage I attempted to receive at a spa. It was. At least the person didn't smell like smoke! The lights at the place (the new place) were nice. They had cloud coverings which served to mute and calm the otherwise glaring overhead fluorescent lights down.

I missed a large chunk of SnB to do this though, which was difficult. My job/life is such that I start anticipating Wednesday's SnB once Monday comes around. By Tuesday I think, "whew, and wow- I made it. Just one more day (till SnB)." So you can imagine how difficult it is for me to give up my few daytime moments of escape. But I did it. I made it through. And now I have just one more day till I attend a workshop on "How to Start Your Own Private Practice." That'll be on Friday. DH and I will be attending together, as he wanted to hear and learn all the info too. But tomorrow will probably knock me on my butt- as it will be a busy day trying to cram more than my brain and body can handle into one day, and then, it will be time to knit again, and regain my composure.

Today we got two Christmas trees!

One is the traditional Christmas tree- a Balsam fir about 8ft tall. The other tree is 6 inches tall. It is a rosemary tree. Well, it is the herb rosemary trimmed into the shape of a Christmas tree.

This evening we also ordered and picked up our Christmas photo cards with the pic of Dh and myself and the dogs which we took on the chilly Saturday.

I knit a bit on the two cardigan fronts for the blue sweater. I am trying to knit them both at the same time. I haven't knit on DH's hat since the incident. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Another big day-

Worked out hard at the club, then came home. Freaked out- you'll see why- and later house-hunted with friends who are house-hunting. Not us- we have a house. Did some dreadful billing and paperwork, fretted for a long time over which Christmas photo card to select. Found the perfect one, with a little Golden Lab for an hourglass like symbol for when pages are loading online. Soon- am going to bed.

Oh- also fretted over hunting for a piece of paper that documented the color blue I used on my Noro Gloria sweater. I am doing this one differently than originally, and now need much more blue Cascade but what color? yarn than before. I visited lots of internet pages with the color cards and narrowed it down to 4 colors from the 'net. I dug through all my knitting things in the basement- art room area stash- and upstairs in the guest bedroom closet, and the study closet. Then, after all that found the manila envelope that held the information.

I realize that I will have a different dye lot, but figure as long as the back is the same dye lot, and the front is also of the same dyelot- both halves the same dye lot at least, it should all be fine. Plus- eventually I will have to figure out how I want the sleeves.

I sat down and felt like a medical coder, coding my knitting process that I used for the sweater back. St k for 3 inches, then begin dec of 1 st at each end of k row for following x rows. St k even for x amounts of rows, then, inc 1 st every knit row for x rows, then bo for ah. Etc.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

LONG day!

I have a work group thing on occasional Saturdays- today was one of them. It starts at 8:30 and goes till noon- or so I thought. When I received a text from another group person questioning my whereabouts at 8:33 I was surprised. Didn't the group just start? OOOPs- I believe I apparently subconsciously decided that the start time is 8:30- when I believe it really started at 8am. OOOPs. No wonder I felt like I was sleeping in when I got up at 7:03 today.

I got some knitting done there though, and that is always great. I worked on DH's hat. For some reason a 32 row pattern is starting to seem a lot shorter- and to go a lot faster than it went after I had just begun this project. I am not complaining- all that garter stitch tends to feel like the same thing- because it is, over and over. I found myself sitting in church today actually contemplating knitting another pair of Jaywalkers. I was wearing my one pair then, and was looking down at them. That's right. The one project that nearly kicked my butt, I nearly gave up on them, and I was for a fleeting moment considering knitting them again.

I also went to a shopping mall event where a friend was selling jewelry. I bought a really beautiful bracelet that is silver with little scrollies and sparkle. That was a great find.

Yesterday I was successfully advertised to. I just had to end that sentence with to. Just because it is bad grammar and fun to play around.

I was at Southdale with DH and we were doing Christmas shopping. We walked by New York and Co. and there was a nearly life-sized cutout of Meredith Gray and Derrick Shepherd. Meredith was apparently wearing a coat they were advertising. I asked DH if I could go try on this coat- so I did. And I bought it, and another nearly identical coat that was a shorter version. I couldn't decide if I should be practical with the longer coat- The one Meredith was wearing- or the shorter one. With the help of Elzbieta and my Mom I decided on the practical longer one. It is a puffy style jacket with a faux fur hood trim. I have a weakness for faux fur for the pure floofieness of it all. My "old" coat also had faux fur. It was from Sam's Club, and I want to say it was 50 dollars. A great price for a winter coat. But the little hooks to hook it shut were all wearing out, and getting sharp and pokey. Plus the coat was suede with faux fur and it cost about 20 or more dollars to dry clean it. Which I did about once a year due to the prohibitive cost. This new coat is machine washable, except for the detachable hand wash hood. I totally fell for the advertising- Meredith wears that coat!!! Plus it was on an incredible sale. And I love a good sale (thanks Mom for teaching me about sales!).

Friday, December 01, 2006

My next project will be...

I have been eyeing these wonderful cozy looking thrummed mittens. I have been thinking about taking this technique further, perhaps to a coordinating hat as well, if I have enough roving. The challenge is that if I use the roving for these projects I won't be able to try spindle-spinning it. Plus- I would have to decide which of my two blobs of multi-colored roving I would like to use. I really like sparkle, so I am leaning towards my pink and turqouise and glitter roving, with a lovely as yet to be determined shade of Quattro.

In SnB the other day Rox said that the Quattro is four different shades together, and I love a multicolored yarn!

In the hat news- I have not worked on it since Thanksgiving.