Monday, August 08, 2005

I forgot to take out the trash dream...

It doesn't sound very dreamy to take the trash out- but it created some anxiety for me last night. In my dream I was working my first day at my new job. I was told to take the trash out. I was working in a big office building that had a skyway to a mall. The mall had Marshall Fields, and Target as its big "anchor" stores. I had just been downstairs in the lobby doing some task and was mildly alarmed to see 2 men snorting things up straws while looking at a flat-wall-like monument. I walked through the doorway back to my job, and found myself on the opposite side of the mall instead. I was quite panicked- I was supposed to be taking out the trash! I quickly found the shuttle to the other side where I worked. I was on the shuttle realizing that it was really slow- and it would take me all day to get back to my work. I started to give up, and realize that the trash wasn't going to get out before the office closed. I was alarmed- I was trying to make a good impression and do my best work- and then I had to be human and forget to take the trash out. Hmm...I eventually resigned myself to not taking the trash out, deciding that things would be ok, and that they'd work out. I think I went to the bar for a drink and some food at the end of the dream.

Did I mention that the day after my second interview I dreamt that I'd gotten the job- and went out with 2 co-workers to an adorable coffee shop to hang out? Somehow having the dream stirred up more stress for me about the job- as my wondering grew.

I think my subconscious is just working on me to prepare me for this next big challenge. What do you think?


- LisaD. said...

Absolutely. I agree with you. You are probably just nervous about the possibility of slightly trippin' up at your new job. The anxiety of new situations keeps us from becoming too complacent. The fact that you are dreaming about the very reason you shouldn't're just covering all of your bases. Internally answering all the "what if's?"

I have two recurring nightmares. The first is that I can't remember my locker combo at school and I am panicked late for a class. The other one is that my permanent teeth are all falling out.

I have no idea (other than remembering to floss daily) what it all means....but I am pretty sure it won't happen in real life. At least, I hope not.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it's just your subconscious playing tricks on you. I know I've had anxieties that seem to manifest themselves in my dreams in very unusual ways. Good luck at your new job, I can't wait to hear the report on your first day:)