Today- since I have gotten all of my homework (that is due tonight) done, I will have a day of weaving tails. I really dread this part of knitting, having to sit and weave in all the stray bits of yarn from when I started my knitting project, added another strand of yarn, and finished the project. Fortunately, I finished one scarf on Friday night, another on Sunday night, and I have since then woven in those tails. For the Christmas record, I still have 2 more knitted things in progress, and Troy's sweater- also in progress.
I slept in today, and my husband was still here when I woke up. Evidently we had experienced a nasty sleety freezing rain storm overnight- and everything was coated with a thick layer of ice. The ice layer caused my husband to leave later for work- but now he is there safe and sound. I am hoping the ice is melted or minimized before I go to my last day of class for the month tonight. If not, I just might not be there. I might be (to borrow and credit my friend Leslie for her term) snugly nestled in a "Creative Cocoon". Hmmm...I could handle that. I sometimes have so much creativity that I think I might burst!
Well, it is time for me to get back to my work and reading for school. I am about to make an artistic poster that says my motto, "If you can dream it, you can acheive it". Then I will send a picture of it to my new favorite Adler instructor Wes Wingett- just in time for the due date of today.
Ciao, and Happy holidays everybody!
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