Thursday, December 16, 2004

Big decision made last night

As I continue to persevere in my goal to meet Dr. Phil McGraw and his lovely wife Robin McGraw, new ideas to make this happen come frequently.

Such ideas include": Knitting Dr. Phil a scarf with his name on- cheesy, but a good way to practice embellishing a knitted material, and maybe it would work.

An e-mail a day to the show, to the point that the Dr. Phil team would want to blcok my e-mail- but hey, I have three different addresses, so that could go on awhile.

Telling everyone I know to e-mail him, for me. (hey, it might come down to this).
But the best idea (I think) so far, is to incorporate his philosophy/book Family First/things done or said on the show/etc to my MASTER'S THESIS.

Now, I am not afraid to work hard, but in this case I was going to select the least overwhelming paper to write, a 30 page integrative paper. But when it came down to it, I realized 30 pages wouldn't let me do what I want to do. Hence, the decision to "take the plunge" and opt for the medium option a 60 page thesis. I think I can do it, right? I mean, I'd be talking about Dr. Phil of all people in relation to Adlerian psychology.

I think I should make a plug for Adlerianism here. Adler believed in equality, and that an individual's mental health can be assessed by the degree of gemeinschaftsgefuhl one possesses. That big word is german for "social interest" or "community feeling". If one is involved in the community in a socially useful way, like in fostering genuine relationships, working to help others in some way shape or form, and working to get skilled at something not for the sake of being better than others but for the sheer desire of learning and cooperating, one's social interest is said to be high, aka a healthy person. If one is contributing to society in a socially useless way as in stealing, laziness, fearing all kinds of relationships, rebellion, or competing to be better than another person, one's social interest is said to be low.
So there ya go. This paper will be an ongoing work in progress type of thing, and probably the biggest thing that I hae accomplished academically. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck - and yes, of course you can do it. ;)