Monday, May 29, 2006

sleeping in

We slept in today- till about 10 am. It was wonderful. I have to study for my upcoming test today, and in searching for a good place to go came across this study of best places. It has all sorts of "bests", including best cities for sleeping. Minneapolis, MN made the top of the list. Check it out here.

I am continuing to work on my orange and cream and brown socks. I finished the first sock while at the conference in Chicago, IL. I am past my favorite part of the sock, the turn heel on the second sock.

I have been fighting with my digital camera and its batteries. They (the batteries) are draining their energy quite quickly- and at a more rapid speed than usual. Whenever I turn my camera on the low battery light is quick to begin flashing.

DH and I went on a great date the night my flight from IL came. We ate Afghani food at Khyber Pass, and followed it up with a new place on Grand Ave, the Italian Ice Cafe. That place was really great because I love Italian ice. We had caramel custard and sour apple Italian ice in a gelati. It was a little like eating an extra indulgent caramel apple, frozen style. We plan to go back to this little place tonight as its irresistable.

The staff was made up of a 20's something couple, and Bruiser, their bulldog-like big dog who was quite friendly. The couple was very friendly and we talked about movies with them. The cafe was adorable, vibrantly painted with a whimsical feel. My kind of place to be sure. There was a light with a cartoonish cloud motif, and DH professed to enjoying reading the comics on the bathroom walls. I plan to bring my camera tonight- with freshly charged batteries.

1 comment:

- LisaD. said...

mmmmmm........sounds good. You guys eat so well.