Whew. What a day. We got home from Cumberland, WI fireworks at 1 am last night. Somewhere around 9 pm Monday I realized the next day was Tuesday- thus my "busy" day.
On Sunday evening DH and I went to Hudson to see their fireworks and explore the town. We got there after all the unique shops had closed, but had a good time wandering around. After dinner at San Pedro Cafe of smoked chicken nachos with lemon habanero sauce and huge chunks of avocado guac we went for a long walk through the cute old houses. We were walking along and I suddenly spied a magical looking dog through the tightly spaced fence slats. "It's a corgi, I think" I said to DH. "Is it?" he asked. "I think so" I said. We stirred them up- both the dogs- until their owners came out to shush them. Then they disappeared. I could not walk past another dual-corgi family without meeting them so I invited us into the couple's backyard. DH had pointed out that "it says 'welcome'" outside their front door. So we took that literally, and then met the 1 1/2 year-old dog, and 15 week-old puppy. And of course there was plenty of corgi talk between the four owners of the mystical dogs.
Later that night I told DH that I had never been so close to where the fireworks were lit-and shot off. Last night I retracted that statement as I felt my eyes water from the intensity of the magnesium in the explosion (hey- I thought people weren't supposed to stare at magnesium burning) and I wished for my sunglasses. My arms tired quickly from trying to cover my ears to protect my hearing, and I felt the cooled off ashes hit near my eyes periodically. I thought my head was going to explode- the fireworks were ginormous !!!
It was incredible, I was surprised that Wisconsiners can sit that close to their fireworks. I think MN has rules against that.
So today- I did at least 2 ultra klutzy things. The first came when I was filling up my water bottle with ice cubes. My dogs love ice, and I was offering a half ice cube to Buster. I didn't want him to put his mouth all over my fingers so I dropped the cube, thinking that he'd catch it. He didn't, and it hit my big toe. It hurt, which I thought was crazy. A little piece of ice falling on my foot- no big deal right? It cut my toe somehow and suddenly all around my toenail base it was bleeding. Totally crazy. So I have a "Peace" Tatoo band-aid on my big toe being showcased by my brown sandals. Nice.
When I was done working my first of two sessions I went to reset my mileage counter thing while turning a corner. My car rounded the curve, and I felt resistance while trying to straighten the wheel. My hand was in the way. Oops. Then I had two huge red marks on my right hand which I was concerned would threaten my knitting. But my hand recovered. I'm still plenty tired though, even after taking a nearly 2-hour nap with DH upon his arrival from work.
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