Yes- an intellectual hangover
Symptoms: inability to function, low tolerance for additional noises- like barking Corgis, and inability to answer simple questions- because your brain has already been taxed past it's maximum
Duration: this time it could take up to a week to recover,
Common length of difficulty- about three days
Cause: far too much knowledge is thrown at a person in too short of a time for it to be absorbed
Frequency: I should have been ready, it happens every time I have Saturday class, but there is no way I could have prepared myself for this
Treatment: Re-engagement of the right side (the creative side) of the brain, to achieve a near balance with the prior left brain usage
Prevention: Take lots of breaks during lectures, learn as much of the material before you go to class so you can follow along with the prof, become brilliant
I wasn't sure I could do it, but I survived, barely, the most rigorous Grad school class I have taken thus far. It was rough. The prof was great, and really knew his stuff, but my brain got full really quickly. Just like the Far Side cartoon, where the student asks if he can be excused because his brain was full- I was that person.